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SyntPanel without source code (Site License) 1.4.6

SyntPanel without source code (Site License) 1.4.6

SyntPanel without source code (Site License) Publisher's Description

Enhanced analog of a standard TPanel component for Delphi.
SyntPanel has a title, its visual appearance may be adjusted by the means of themes which you may store either in the project itself, or in Windows registry or .ini file. Component has 15 built-in visual themes for you to easily build your own themes on their basis. SyntPanel may fold and unfold like Windows XP navigation panel and supports Windows XP themes.

  • Title bar
  • Two title styles: a standard rectangle or rectangle with curved corners
  • Title bar features: icons, cursor, pop-up hints, context menu
  • Loading/saving themes: .ini file, system registry
  • Themes may be stored in the project itself
  • Color, gradient and bitmap fill
  • When disabling a panel you may automatically disable all components it contains
  • You may use image lists for icons
  • Enhanced events:
    OnTitleClick - Mouse click on the title bar
    OnTitleDblClick - Double click on the title bar
    OnPopupMenu - Context menu
    OnTitlePopupMenu - Context menu in title bar
    OnTitleMouseDown - Mouse button is pressed on the title bar
    OnTitleMouseUp - Mouse button pressed on the title bar, is released
  • You may move and resize component at run time
  • You may fold and unfold SyntPanel like Windows XP navigation panel
  • 15 built-in themes
  • Supports visual style of Windows XP navigation panel

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